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Breath of the wild

My sister and i were born in an environment engulfed by nature and wildlife. The snakes would slither and sneak under the fridge during cold months, the birds and bees would build their hives and nests under the roof and in the attic. The hippos mowed the grass carpeting the compound and the frogs basked on Lilles or cooled in the pond . We would walk to school every morning through a forest, our legs and feet getting brushed by grass heavily laden with morning dew. Our parents would take us to distant lands full of remarkable creatures, from the massive Elephants in the Aberdare forest to the pink Flamingos of Nakuru lakes.

I am grateful to be able to interact with Nature in the same way in my later life. Here is a collection of my wild encounters.

© 2022 by Manjahi.Njoroge

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